Page name: Cool Shades [Logged in view] [RSS]
2009-12-27 03:55:59
Last author: keesh.
Owner: FireGypsy
# of watchers: 53
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Here is where you can post nifty pictures of yourself
with shades on. But you must be wearing some shades!
Now go tell all of your friends!


This wiki works with Goofy Elfpackers Elfpacking!:
Once in a while a picture from this wiki, chosen at random, will be the daily goof on Mainstuff!
Only pictures uploaded to Elfpack can become a daily goof.

The creator of this wiki!



Cool Shades Archive I

Me looking Hott in my new oaklies ;)


D*mn i look dumb but still can say im a hottie Right? hehe

[imdaonlyone010]This be me on st. patricks day aka green day hehe...



[beautiful _ darkness]






Ma3x[Jino] VS. ChaoS[Jino]


Tried to look cool instead looked like an indian, or jungle boy


OMG I'm topless!




[christie baby!]
[Elfpack;Blindingly Brilliant. Corny Eh?]


[Game_Over] ... i dont know i just wanted to be cool like everyone else


[i have left elfpack. see you.] I WANNA BE COOL TOO!



This was for the shirtless hunks contest, but I couldn't stand to waste it :p I feel so exposed..


[hmmmmm coolniss]


My head already looked small enough before I put these on...


too bad i wasnt wearing my red sunglasses, then i might've looked more like cyclops.


[Katerz] im trying to be cool with my shades and my little pink poodle doggie.. i can try right?


[miss red-head] and who said that bigger isn't better aye?





Gene just puts everything together for me.


[this pikka is tha smexiest. Ever. 'nuff said loves.]








[jesyka. awesomeness.]


[Funny Bunny]



[Sami_jane x]

[&& I would be the geeky one in the middle but with two of the greatest people around, we are just too cool :P]


[Arms Wide Open]
Who Needs Shades When You've got Hair?


Uhh.. shades I guess.

-Cool Banners
-Cool Shades Archive I


Sasha's Wikis

Other wikis I have made.

rockin the darions







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2005-07-09 [RabidSphinx]: oooohhh....*watches in amazement* wow! *mouth moves longer than i am heard talking*

2005-07-09 [PyroBuggy]: "Wow!" = :[ :0 :O :0 :[ :0 :O :0 :[ :0 :O :0 :[ :0 :O :0 :[ :0 :O :0 :[ :0 :O :0 :[ :0 :O :0 :[ :0 :O :0 :[ :0 :O :0

2005-07-09 [RabidSphinx]: what! that is rediculus! i do not talk like that! :[ :0 :O :0 :[ :0 :O :0 :[ :0 :O :0 :[ :0 :O :0 :[ :0 :O :0 :[ :0 :O :0 :[ >:(

2005-07-09 [PyroBuggy]: 8| 80 8O 80 8| 80 8O 80 8| 80 8O 80 8| 80 8O 80 ?

2005-07-09 [RabidSphinx]: *punches*

2005-07-09 [PyroBuggy]: *dies*

2005-07-09 [RabidSphinx]: woho! *throws arms up in the air*

2005-07-09 [PyroBuggy]: ~twitch twitch~

2005-07-09 [RabidSphinx]: we have a twitcher! *shoots you in the head*

2005-07-09 [PyroBuggy]: ~twitch twitch~

2005-07-09 [RabidSphinx]: *shoots again* (haven't you seen Dawn of the Dead?)

2005-07-09 [PyroBuggy]: sorry... imma were zombie vampire. it has to be a silver steak to my head.

2005-07-09 [RabidSphinx]: *rolles eyes* or how about just silver shot? it works just as well....*uses silver ammo on your FACE!*

2005-07-09 [PyroBuggy]: aw shit... *deaded*

2005-07-09 [RabidSphinx]: yes yes! and now Jess is a member! woot!

2005-07-09 [PyroBuggy]: WooHoo! *poke poke*

2005-07-09 [RabidSphinx]: oh no! my eyes!!! *puts on shades and is now blind*

2005-07-09 [PyroBuggy]: now you can play piano ^^

2005-07-09 [RabidSphinx]: wow! those must be my super power!

2005-07-09 [FireGypsy]: oh my! Rainey! you spelled Lara Croft wrong! Im disappointed. I love Lara Croft! Shes my hero hehe!

2005-07-09 [Big Brother]: hmmm, i have a pic up now....not sure i like it

2005-07-09 [RabidSphinx]: sorry...(>_<) i don't play the was just told, with myu hair in the long braid and sunglasses i resembled

2005-07-09 [RabidSphinx]: YAY! hey jon!

2005-07-09 [Dwemer]: lara Croft rules :) *hehe...* You look relaxed there Jon ;)

2005-07-09 [Big Brother]: hi, you think my pic is shitty too?

2005-07-09 [Big Brother]: i was very relaxed

2005-07-09 [Dwemer]: Nope, I can see your Cool Shades ;)

2005-07-09 [Big Brother]: those shades were like $330!!!!! (the shades or on my glasses)

2005-07-09 [Dwemer]: Really ? 0_o I bought new ones last year in Monaco, during F1. But they were like 90 Euro's. (About 95 American Dollars).

2005-07-09 [Big Brother]: i got good glasses lol

2005-07-09 [Dwemer]: Mine were from Nike Spec Edition, yours ? :)

2005-07-09 [Big Brother]: i don't advertize! they are just really nice with magnetic shades, a bunch of special coatings and a good warenty

2005-07-09 [Dwemer]: Oh well, I don't hope Nike hates me now, the might smite me 0_o...

2005-07-09 [Big Brother]: huh?

2005-07-09 [Dwemer]: Nevermind, inside joke ;) Was that on vacation Jon? Or your home ?

2005-07-09 [RabidSphinx]: mine were 84 cents at a bargan store where i buy all my food and clothing because i'm poor!!!

2005-07-09 [Big Brother]: that is my backyard

2005-07-09 [RabidSphinx]: NICE! i have a sandbox in my backyard, and, um, a patch of grass!

2005-07-09 [Dwemer]: Houses in Canada and America are soooo large if you compare them to European ones.

2005-07-09 [Big Brother]: i have a hot tub too

2005-07-09 [Dwemer]: OMG! You're so lucky ;)

2005-07-09 [RabidSphinx]: damn you jon! all i have is SNOW!

2005-07-09 [Big Brother]: visit me any time RD

2005-07-09 [Dwemer]: All I have is 3 plants! *counts* make it 2.

2005-07-09 [RabidSphinx]: <img200*0:> that is a little bit of the front of my house

2005-07-09 [Big Brother]: better than mine

2005-07-09 [Dwemer]: And mine.

2005-07-09 [RabidSphinx]: my house is from 1920...sold originally for 6000 dollars

2005-07-09 [Dwemer]: Our houses are smaller and more expensive, for example, what's the price of a general house there?

2005-07-09 [Big Brother]: i'm renting

2005-07-09 [Dwemer]: Ah, *bummer*

2005-07-09 [RabidSphinx]: i couldn't tell you the current price, but quite a bit, but also depending on where it is located, city and so on

2005-07-09 [Dwemer]: Here the prices are like: 400.000 Euro. (450.000 American Dollars)

2005-07-09 [RabidSphinx]: hmm

2005-07-09 [Big Brother]: back home my house is worth over 160,000 canadian. it's over 125 years old

2005-07-09 [RabidSphinx]: my house is shit...(^_^) gosh being poor is fun!

2005-07-09 [Big Brother]: i have over 10k in loans lol

2005-07-09 [Dwemer]: WOW :)

2005-07-09 [Big Brother]: go college!

2005-07-09 [Dwemer]: Ah ;)

2005-07-09 [RabidSphinx]: i am trying to get a job at Good Will....yippie

2005-07-09 [Dwemer]: Good Will jon?

2005-07-09 [RabidSphinx]: Good Will, it's inventory is donated used stuff, like clothing and old toys, sold for a few dollars a piece...a really poor person's store...i shope there...(^_^)

2005-07-09 [Dwemer]: Compareble to the Salvation Army?

2005-07-09 [RabidSphinx]: yus sir

2005-07-09 [Dwemer]: Sir? :)

2005-07-09 [RabidSphinx]: sorry...force of habit

2005-07-09 [Dwemer]: No I kind a like it, can I call you my fair lady?

2005-07-09 [RabidSphinx]: hahaha! no...i'm not fair

2005-07-09 [Dwemer]: Cute?

2005-07-09 [RabidSphinx]: not even

2005-07-09 [Dwemer]: *pouts*

2005-07-09 [RabidSphinx]: *pokes*

2005-07-09 [Dwemer]: *kisses*

2005-07-09 [skullhead]: Someone give me a bag I think am going to vomit

2005-07-09 [RabidSphinx]: was i just kissed? *twitch* (O_o)

2005-07-09 [Dwemer]: *runs off* He' s to strong!

2005-07-09 [RabidSphinx]: *blinks, still stuned*

2005-07-09 [Dwemer]: ^_-

2005-07-09 [RabidSphinx]: shhh...there are spys all around...we can't let them see us and our secret love [Dwemer]...*looks around quickly*

2005-07-09 [Taking Back Jo]: wow... this is so funny!

2005-07-09 [Dwemer]: *cough and manly voice* So how was your day Raine?

2005-07-09 [RabidSphinx]: very good [Dwemer] sir... *shifty eyes*

2005-07-09 [Dwemer]: *winks* Mine was very fine too Lady [RabidSphinx]

2005-07-09 [RabidSphinx]: XD

2005-07-09 [Dwemer]: :) hehe!

2005-07-09 [Dwemer]: All these members with shades! I can't stop thinking of my Ait Guitar CD.

2005-07-09 [RabidSphinx]: i have lots of sunglasses pictures...i will post them when i get them from my friend [Toxic Misery]

2005-07-09 [Dwemer]: Coolness ;) I want to see them all!

2005-07-09 [RabidSphinx]: they were taken at the mall...i was trying on sunglasses! hehe

2005-07-09 [Dwemer]: Hehehe ;)

2005-07-09 [Big Brother]: look!! i'm fat

2005-07-09 [RabidSphinx]: naw!

2005-07-09 [Big Brother]: yes i am lmao

2005-07-09 [RabidSphinx]: naw

2005-07-09 [Big Brother]: ya, look at my gut lol

2005-07-09 [RabidSphinx]: you are no fatter than i am jon... :/

2005-07-09 [Big Brother]: yes i am lol

2005-07-09 [RabidSphinx]: nope nope..soory

2005-07-10 [PyroBuggy]: GASP! Battlefield is hardcore! sqimming in the ice cold waters of canada! riscking polar bear and orca attacks! Xp

2005-07-10 [RabidSphinx]: HAHAHAHA! what's going on eh?

2005-07-10 [Big Brother]: oh yes, one came at me but i didn't want to put it up and scare everyone

2005-07-10 [Big Brother]: A??? it's spelt "eh"

2005-07-10 [PyroBuggy]: GEEZ raindrop! you need to take canadian classes...

2005-07-10 [RabidSphinx]: it always looked like the confused "eh?" sound to me...the letter works for me...(^_^) lol...but make you happy...i'll change it...i would hate to offend you while i mock you...(^_^)

2005-07-10 [Big Brother]: i'm proud to be canadian!!! and if anyone wants canadian lessons i'll give them if ya'all want them

2005-07-10 [RabidSphinx]: hahaha! i live near canada...we call them, well, something

2005-07-10 [Big Brother]: yup, cause americans have no respect for us...we are too nice

2005-07-10 [RabidSphinx]: pansies you mean...(^_^)

2005-07-10 [Big Brother]: if that's what you wanna call us, but you wouldn't last where i grew up lol

2005-07-10 [PyroBuggy]: Why exactly do we hate Canada again?

2005-07-10 [Big Brother]: no clue......

2005-07-10 [RabidSphinx]: i'm just picking on you have nothing against canada...*shifty eyes*

2005-07-10 [Big Brother]: i would love to see you try livin where i grew up out in the sticks. you may think we are pussies but your very wrong

2005-07-10 [PyroBuggy]: I know for a fact that canadians arn't pussies! they have to fight off vicious man eating penguins and polar bears and harsh winters! and they are our shield from Russia. if a russian nuke falls short... buh bye canadia. :p

2005-07-10 [Big Brother]: i know our millitary sucks but we AREN'T!!! hell one guy came in from the next town drunk and broke a window in my friends car, the next day 20+ guys showed up at his house and trashed his car, and his mom's we don't stand for any shit here

2005-07-10 [PyroBuggy]: im glad i live far away from canada... *looks down at mexico* uh... *goes to florida* finally safe... *looks down at cuba* ;_;

2005-07-10 [Orestez]: I've served with the Canadian Infantry, they're very well trained and I have a great deal of respect for them.

2005-07-10 [RabidSphinx]: eh

2005-07-10 [Orestez]: Canadian Special Forces are the best in the world, even better than US Special Forces.

2005-07-10 [Big Brother]: ya i have tons of friends in the millitary, very good training...just not many of them

2005-07-10 [Big Brother]: most the ppl. i went to high school with are in the millitary (i lived near CFB Tenton)

2005-07-10 [PyroBuggy]: Maybe they can get better training because there is less of em... we need more canadians!

2005-07-10 [-Fï®ë»ÂT»WïLL-]: ...

2005-07-10 [Dwemer]: Even better then the English SAS commando's?

2005-07-10 [RabidSphinx]: PENIS!

2005-07-10 [Dwemer]: *checks* Still there.

2005-07-10 [RabidSphinx]: not for long....*pulls out rusted pocket knife encrusted with fishguts*

2005-07-10 [Dwemer]: STOP! Never hurt a penis!

2005-07-10 [RabidSphinx]: why not?

2005-07-10 [Dwemer]: They don't like it!

2005-07-10 [RabidSphinx]: who would?

2005-07-10 [Dwemer]: No one...

2005-07-10 [RabidSphinx]: then you have no case...*flicks out knife*

2005-07-10 [Dwemer]: I believe you, but my tommygun doesn't...*get tommygun* Get on your knees and tell me you love me!

2005-07-10 [RabidSphinx]: aww...i LOVE tommyguns! just last night i was talking to [Dirty Lil Juggalette] while watching Chicago that i miss a good ol tommygun shootout....*smiles*

2005-07-10 [PyroBuggy]: I want a tommy gun!

2005-07-10 [RabidSphinx]: i can get you a gun named tommy [PyroBuggy]...

2005-07-10 [PyroBuggy]: Wait... no... scratch tommygun... i want one of those things that scar face has!

2005-07-10 [Dwemer]: haha! Coolness!

2005-07-10 [Tear]: OMGOMGOMG LYK TEH EYEBROW!!! Yeah, I had my work glasses and then my shades...

2005-07-10 [RabidSphinx]: excellent [Tear] i like the hair! hehe

2005-07-10 [RabidSphinx]: Eryn! you are so beautiful!!!

2005-07-11 [Tear]: My hair needs to be cut, and like really soon. Either that or I can grow it out and put it in a pony tail like I used to do.

2005-07-11 [RabidSphinx]: looks cute now/....

2005-07-11 [Tear]: It looks like crap in person.

2005-07-11 [RabidSphinx]: as does mine

2005-07-11 [Tear]: But, I like the your hair all the same... I am used to have short spikey hair, now it is longer and I can actually part my hair down the middle, if it weren't so stubborn.

2005-07-11 [FireGypsy]: i have to say [Orestez] is so damn cute!

2005-07-11 [RabidSphinx]: hehehehe

2005-07-11 [FireGypsy]:

2005-07-11 [Orestez]: *blushes*

2005-07-11 [RabidSphinx]: *smiles*

2005-07-11 [Orestez]: it seems that I have "fans" everywhere, lol. How are you doing Sarah?

2005-07-11 [RabidSphinx]: good...i have 10 minutes left of online it sort'a sucks about you?

2005-07-11 [Orestez]: Been fine I suppose, just working on my Civic

2005-07-11 [RabidSphinx]: cool...*shivers* it's cold in this library...(>_<)

2005-07-11 [FireGypsy]: *coughcivicssuckcough* lol jk not really but yeah anywho lol! Rainey i still cant find my hamster! lol

2005-07-11 [Tear]: Honda? Oh dear.... I am not going to say anything....

2005-07-12 [RabidSphinx]: i think it's in Abudabie now my friend...

2005-07-12 [Dwemer]: Hmm, BMW still roxors my socks ;)

2005-07-12 [Tear]: I am a ford person, sorry.

2005-07-13 [Orestez]: I own a Ford too, but my honda is better, lol

2005-07-13 [Tear]: *is the owner of a Mustang* Sorry, I love my pet.

2005-07-13 [Orestez]: *gives props to AJ for having a mustang*

2005-07-13 [Tear]: Got it cheap too. bought it new, but my sister used to work for ford, so she marked it down because it was overstock, and sold it to me for 1,500 bucks, and that was straight income for her.

2005-07-13 [Dwemer]: My brother owns a Mustang, and I aint supose to drive here on my age >_<

2005-07-13 [Orestez]: Damn, you got it for a steal bro, good score!

2005-07-13 [Tear]: Mine is a 2002 'stang.

2005-07-13 [FireGypsy]: im a Chevy person =) Im more into muscle cars too. My boyfriend owns a 64 Chevy Impala SS which he has been restoring since he was 13 and he did pretty much all the work himself except machine work that was done to certain parts of the engine.. As we speak, its in the shop getting painted =).

2005-07-13 [Tear]: I can't wait until my uncle comes down from Ocala (hickville florida) because he is going to trade me his 67 mustang for mine. He has an original 4 speed mustang, Once you hit 3rd, your wheels are moving so fast that your back tires are moving from side to side.

2005-07-13 [Dwemer]: Who made that banner, good job you artist!

2005-07-13 [Tear]: Oh, wow, I just saw that, cool looking! Props to the artist.

2005-07-14 [FireGypsy]: i made it =) and thanks! Check out Cool Banners

2005-07-14 [RabidSphinx]: awesomeness

2005-07-14 [Tear]: 'tis good work, my dear.

2005-07-14 [Dwemer]: Good job ! :)

2005-07-14 [FireGypsy]: thankies =)

2005-07-16 [Tear]: I am going to post the picture I submitted for the daily goofs in here too, hold on and let me get the link for it.

2005-07-16 [FireGypsy]: kk

2005-07-16 [FireGypsy]: nice!

2005-07-16 [Tear]: Thankies.

2005-07-18 [-Fï®ë»ÂT»WïLL-]: ^.^

2005-07-21 [DenDen]: bang bang bang!

2005-07-21 [Dwemer]: Naah sorry, I just wake up ;)

2005-07-21 [DenDen]: lmao I'll bang u anyway :P

2005-07-21 [Ajsinnott]: i want some

2005-07-21 [iCh3wi]: I wore a cowboy hat for the first time in my life, omg. I'm going insane.

2005-07-21 [FireGypsy]: lol! but it looks good on you!

2005-07-21 [iCh3wi]: Hmmmm.......youre right, it does.

2005-07-21 [-Fï®ë»ÂT»WïLL-]: lol i should get a pic with me wairin a vowboy hat *ponders* lmao

2005-07-21 [Orestez]: I still think that [mr rogers colostomy bag]'s is the best, lol.

2005-07-21 [-Fï®ë»ÂT»WïLL-]: lol yah

2005-07-21 [iCh3wi]: Mine is Jacqui's

2005-07-22 [DenDen]: eheheheheh Im gonna take more YEEEHAWWWWW Richard you have alot of hats O.O

2005-07-22 [iCh3wi]: Lol, I know right, I only wear the beanie with the safety pins though, the others are too..................blah!

2005-07-22 [-Fï®ë»ÂT»WïLL-]: blah? lmao


2005-07-22 [iCh3wi]: yeah, blah! like boring

2005-07-22 [-Fï®ë»ÂT»WïLL-]: lol i understand now

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